Joe Staton has been drawing for publication for a long time.
In the early 60’s, he began drawing for science-fiction fanzines, especially in the Southern Fandom Press Alliance. He drew caricatures for his high school yearbook and in college he contributed editorial cartoons to both the official college newspaper and the alternative rag. In the late 60’s and early 70’s he drew illustrations for the science-fiction magazines AMAZING and FANTASTIC.
The Grand Comics Database lists over 3000 credits for Joe. His first comics work in 1971 was for Charlton Comics in Connecticut, where he co-created E-MAN and MICHAEL MAUSER, PRIVATE EYE with writer Nicola Cuti. In the mid-70’s Joe inked THE HULK and THE AVENGERS for Marvel Comics. The majority of Joe’s comics work has been for DC Comics, beginning in the late 70’s, including such titles as ALL-STAR COMICS (JSA), THE LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES, METAL MEN, SHOWCASE, ACTION COMICS, BATMAN ADVENTURES, GUY GARDNER and GREEN LANTERN. With writer Paul Levitz, he co-created Batman’s daughter THE HUNTRESS. With writers Mike Barr and Steve Englehart, he co-created many Green Lanterns, including KILOWOG, ARISIA, and SAALAK. He also designed Guy Gardner’s “bad boy” look. Joe contributed to over 100 issues over 10 years of DC’s SCOOBY DOO comic. It is possible that Joe has drawn more Scooby Doo comics than anybody ever. In 1998, he received an Eisner Award for WORLD’S FINEST: THE SUPERMAN/BATMAN ADVENTURES, in the animated style. He also won an Inkpot Award from the San Diego Comic Con.
In 1981, Joe became the art director for a new comic book company, FIRST COMICS. There he encouraged new artists such as Tim Truman and Rick Burchett, and drew a new series of E-MAN and MIKE MAUSER comics, as well as the Classic Illustrated version of A CHRISTMAS CAROL.
Over the years Joe has drawn stories and books for many independent publishers, sometimes creating a new E-MAN or MIKE MAUSER book and sometimes drawing new characters, such as FEMME NOIR. With his wife Hilarie, he has packaged comics on children’s health issues.
Beginning in 2011 and continuing for ten years, Joe drew the daily and Sunday DICK TRACY newspaper strip for Tribune Media Services, winning three Harvey Awards for Best Syndicated Strip in 2013, 2014 and 2015.
He has also drawn storyboards for television and advertising and has illustrated presentations for movie proposals. He has drawn several graphic novels (Ayn Rand’s ANTHEM; Jerome Charyn’s FAMILY MAN; and a biography of Ronald Regan).
Joe retired after drawing Dick Tracy for 10 years, and he now does commissions and limited projects, as well as attending conventions, worldwide.

Joe reading the BEST part of the Newspaper...the FUNNY PAGES!

Hilarie and Joe Staton out at one of the many Comic Conventions they attend each year!

Joe with E-Man & Mike Mauser Co-Creator Nicola Cuti.